We live in times, when it is being decided, in what country we want to continue to live. Once again. The situation has gone far enough, that it is needed to stand up from the computers, leave the social networks, and to use our free time to show the stakeholders, that it is enough. Once again. In the streets. Because that is the only signal they reflect.
It is unacceptable how the incumbent political leadership react to a brutal murder of a journalist and his fiancée. It is unacceptable how the leadership discredits legitimate demands of large parts of society. It is unacceptable to consider citizens’ pressure on political change a coup d’état. It is unacceptable that we see the use of conspiracy theories in government’s communication. All this is unacceptable.
The Center for Open Policy supports today’s rallies in multiple cities across Slovakia and the world under the umbrella of Stand up for fair Slovakia and we will actively participate at these rallies.
Also, the Center supports the appeal for proper conduct at the rallies.